Many people think of self defense as only consisting of fighting off an attacker. But as Sensei explains in the following video, true self defense takes into account the things that happen before, during and after an attack.
— Be aware of your surroundings. Keep your head up and know what’s going on around you.
— Know what type of area you’re in. Is this a safe place to be at this time?
— Project an appearance of confidence and strength. This alone can deter many potential attacks.
— Remember to use words such as “stop it” or “stay back.” Make it obvious to onlookers that you are not the aggressor.
— Don’t escalate beyond what is necessary or use excessive force, even in your own defense.
— It’s on us as the “good guys (or gals) to know when to stop.
— Remember to remain calm and be respectful to any law enforcement who show up.
— The aggressor may try to lie and say you started everything. Witnesses will back up your story if you’ve remembered the suggestions made for “during” the attack above.
— It’s not true self defense if you have to waste time and energy justifying yourself in a court of law.